Yannis Varvaresos

Yannis Varvaresos is a performer and theatre director, born in Thessaloniki and based in Athens, Greece.
He holds a degree in Acting, as also two Master’s Degrees, in Theatre Directing and in Electrical Engineering, both in AUTH University, Thessaloniki, Greece. His genuine interest in Performance and Public Space discourse, led him to the Master’s Program “Performing Public Space” in Tilburg, to Fontys University, where he created the artistic-research project “Peripatetic (Dis)Courses”. The project focuses on the creation of collective participatory designs, using walking and conversing practices, to facilitate the formation of agonistic spaces and the emergence of potential social alternatives, within the Public Space. It’s his belief that in a democratic society, the Public Space should create spaces for the emergence of a Public Dialogue on matters that concern the dwellers of the society. Yannis has also worked as an actor, dancer, singer, director, and an assistant director for multiple performances in Greece. His goal is to find ways in which artistic projects can contribute more in helping the emergence of the democratic dialogue.