Erasmus project RAPIDE
De titel van het project is een vrij acronym van Reimagining a Positive Direction for Education. In het project is aandacht voor de professionalisering van opleiders op het gebied van inclusiviteit, digitale vaardigheden en het omgaan met verandering.
Onderdeel van:
Vanuit het lectoraat participeren Quinta Kools en Barbara Roosken.
Doelen die worden nagestreefd:
- an increase in educators’ ability and confidence to provide effective and inclusive digital learning opportunities. This will include the ability to make informed choices about how various elements of learning might be most effectively achieved – through face to face, blended or online provision – making skilful choices of the most appropriate pedagogical choices for all learners in their specific context.
- an increase in educators’ ability to manage change in their working practices. This will be achieved through the development of co-coaching skills and attitudes between a wide range of educational stakeholders.
- an increase in the ability of the wider community including parents, carers, other family members and other interested professionals to understand and support both educators and students in digital learning contexts.
Leeds Beckett University, UK (Lead Partner)
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary (ELTE)
National Education Institute, Slovenia (ZRSS)
PLATO Research Institute, University of Leiden, Netherlands (PLATO)
Unversidade Aberta (UAb)
University of Aberdeen, UK (UNIABDN)
Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen (KathOndVla)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands (FONTYS)
Staatliche Seminar für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung, Tübingen, Germany (SSDL)