Thuur Kurvers

Thuur Kurvers
 Fontys CE IEMES
Onderneming: Thuur Kurvers Photo and Video

Thuur has been an entrepreneur since 2018. He first started as a graphic designer, self-taught via Youtube. After moving from the south to Tilburg, he came in contact with other creative people. During this period he also discovered a love for making images, both in photography and in video. After an evening out with a creative group of people, a plan was made to start a video production company with 3 friends. This went well, but he wanted to do more work himself. That is why he has made the choice to continue as an independent content creator from 2018. This can easily be combined with the marketing training he is following at the Fontys Academy for Creative Industries. He was able to use and apply the assignments given from the lectures well within his own company. In addition, the network within the program was also large. Especially in the beginning, this helped to get started and to generate brand awareness.

Thanks to the Fontys Student Entrepreneur Program Thuur can graduate in his own company and really continue to do something that makes his heart beat faster.

"Network is very important in these times and within the Fontys Student Entrepreneur Program you will find many people who can help you!"