Joeri Arts

Name: Joeri Arts
Study: International Business
Company: AJ Sports

It all started for Joeri Arts on April 4, 2020. A few days before his birthday, he was convinced by a YouTube ad about e-commerce. He started to look into it and soon registered at the chamber of commerce. Around June 19, his first product arrived and less than 48 hours later the first sale was a fact. He told his whole family with raving enthusiasm that he had just made his first sale. After a while, things kept going well and he sold a product almost every day. The number of products grew enormously and so did the sales.

The business improved every day, he was very proud and told his grandmother; "Grandma watch out, in one year I don't have to work at the supermarket anymore and I can earn enough with my business". She believed quite little of it but enjoyed his enthusiasm and confidence. However, the turnover increased, and he proved his grandmother wrong in less than six months. COVID-19 did play a role in this. The sales boosted in the number of sales and the turnover still continues to increase every month. With sales exceeding €10,000 in the best month.

He is working on expanding his product range. The plan for 2021 has been made and he is confident about it. Through the Fontys Student Entrepreneurship Scheme he came into contact with fellow student entrepreneurs and they learn and discuss together about their businesses.