Participation is a manager's 'critical friend'. So too at Fontys. Parties acknowledge and respect each other's role and position within our organisation.

Participation at Fontys means being involved in organizational development and quality of education by staff and students in legally defined participation bodies. The goal: to achieve high-quality education and a transparent organization through dialogue, in which students and staff can get the best out of themselves.
Participation councils have the right of consent on a number of issues. They can give the Executive Board solicited and unsolicited advice.
Participation at three levels:
Central Participation Council (CPC)
The Central Participation Council is the interlocutor of the Executive Board. The Council consists of eleven students and eleven staff members elected by direct election. They discuss Fontys-wide strategic and tactical issues with the Executive Board (College van Bestuur (CvB)). The CPC can give solicited and unsolicited advice on subjects that are important or have consequences for the whole of Fontys. Moreover, based on the law and the participation regulations, the CPC has the right of consent on a number of subjects.
Service Participation Council (SPC) and the Institute Participation Council (IPC)
The Service Participation Council consists of employees of the respective service. Each institute has an Institute Participation Council and it consists of both employees and students. They discuss policy issues of their department or institute with the director.
Program Committee (PC)
All programs have a program committee (PC) or a number of related programs together have a joint PC. A PC consists of teachers and students and they discuss the implementation of education with a delegation from the management. Thus, they contribute to ensuring the quality of education.
Employee participation is the director's "critical friend". Parties recognize and respect each other's role and position within the organization. Participation councils have the right of consent on a number of subjects. They can advise the director solicited and unsolicited at all times. Participation councils have the right of consent on a number of subjects. They can give solicited and unsolicited advice to the Executive Board.
All these councils do their work within the frameworks laid down in the Fontys Participation Councils and study program committees regulations.
Participation Centre
The Participation Centre (PC) is the fulcrum for participation and student participation. The PC provides support on a centralised and decentralised level. It provides tailor-made services to participation councils, study programme committees and their dialogue partners. The central focus is on professionalising participation and co-determination by providing training and education and advice on organisation and set-up.