Central Participation Council - Fontys Denktank
PLEASE NOTE: Participation in the Fontys Denktank requires knowledge of the Dutch language.
Denktank, Central Participation Council, what's in a name? What matters is that you can make a difference as well as gain a unique experience in a dynamic environment!
In the CPC, students and staff work together to influence Fontys policy and discuss it with the Executive Board. The CPC meets regularly in small committees, with the student section, with the staff section and as a full council. Really all kinds of strategic and tactical subjects that are important for the whole of Fontys pass by. Think about:
- quality of student coaching;
- welfare of staff and students;
- improvement of organizational matters and communication about these to students;
- professionalization of lecturers;
- housing at all Fontys locations;
- market position of Fontys;
- personnel policy;;
- spending of Fontys money.
To get an idea of the topics, you can also take a look at the agendas of past meetings.
What is in it for me?
In addition to thinking and participating, it also benefits you personally! Like experience, insights and opportunities that will be useful in your future career. Administrative experience looks good on your resume whether you are a student or an employee! You train all kinds of skills such as cooperation, discussion and strategic thinking. You really get a broad view of the organization. Students receive and financial stipend, employees are facilitated to do the work. And you get to interact with staff and students from other institutes and departments that you might never have gotten to know otherwise.
The CPC has an important role in decision-making at Fontys. Sometimes the council is allowed to contribute ideas, other times it is asked for advice or informed about developments. The basis for all this is a good relationship with the Fontys Executive Board (College van Bestuur (CvB)), which is the formal discussion partner of the Central Participation Council (CPC). In addition, the CPCregularly enters into discussions with experts, project leaders, directors or other stakeholders when subjects require it.
To get an idea of the topics, you can also take a look at the agendas of past meetings. After all, these are simply public.

Get to know!
Want to know who represents you on the Central Participation Council?
to the members of the CPC 2023/2024PLEASE NOTE: The links below refer to pages within Fontys and are only accessible to Fontys employees and students. Also, the documents require knowledge of the Dutch language.
Useful links
- Calender CPC
- Participation councils and study programme committees regulation
- Participation according to Fontys
Want to know more?
Do you have questions, ideas or would you like to attend a meeting of the CPC? Please contact the official secretariat of the CPC via email.
Contact the CPC