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Do you want to broaden your horizons? Experience an unforgettable time abroad? Are you interested in international environments, in foreign cultures? There are many options for studying abroad as a Fontys student!

With access to international projects, classrooms, and courses, you will gain a global mind-set and improve your intercultural competencies while expanding your career options. Fontys offers every Fontys-student the opportunity to study abroad.

Get started on your study abroad journey!

Study abroad opportunities

What are your options? What’s right for you? How do you pick the right partner university? What are the requirements?

Going abroad for your minor in 9 steps!

Everything you ever wanted to know about a semester exchange abroad and more!

Scholarship opportunities

Find out more about scholarships. Depending on your destination there are various options.

If you’re going to study abroad, there’s a lot to arrange and remember!

At times, making arrangements to go abroad can feel overwhelming. To make it more manageable, here’s a shortcut checklist!

  • Talk to your Coordinator Internationalisation about your study goals and partner choices
  • Make sure to have a valid passport when registering in Mobility Online
  • Complete your registration in Mobility Online within the deadline
  • Create your Learning Agreement
  • Apply for scholarships
  • Make sure you have a valid Visa, if applicable
  • Find suitable housing

Discover Fontys partners

Find out more about your Fontys partner university choices for your study abroad exchange.

Fontys partners

Study abroad FAQ

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Contact information

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