Scholarships for after graduation or gap year
> Het Cultuurfonds
- Het Cultuurfonds biedt beurzen aan voor studie en onderzoek in het buitenland. Met je HBO bachelor of WO master in het vooruitzicht kun je bij ons tussen 1 februari en 1 april een studiebeurs aanvragen. Dit geldt voor alle studies, van een afgeronde kunstacademie bachelor tot een master geneeskunde.
- Een Cultuurfondsbeurs van het Cultuurfonds kan je helpen om je volgende stap te zetten. Ieder jaar stellen we dankzij de gulle giften van vele schenkers rond de 250 beurzen beschikbaar voor bijna 3 miljoen euro voor talentvolle afgestudeerde academici (Master) en HBO’ers uit alle disciplines.

> European Solidarity Corps
- The European Union offers more programmes than just the Erasmus+ programme. One very interesting one for young people is European Solidarity Corps.
- Are you between 18 and 30 and looking for an opportunity to help the wider community, in Europe and beyond? Do you feel like gaining extra experience abroad after graduation or as a gap-year? European Solidarity Corps (sister programme of Erasmus+) offers many opportunities.
- This programme fully funds volunteers for a period of 2 weeks - 12 months during a volunteering project or traineeship abroad. Furthermore, there are options to start your own local part-time solidarity project in your own region.
- These projects are an excellent opportunity to help where needed, learn new skills, spend time abroad, maybe learn a language – and definitely come back with unforgettable memories. See this example (in Dutch) of volunteering in Slovenia.
- With the wide range of issues covered by the projects (such as environment, health, inclusion, digital technologies, culture, sport) it is definitely worth taking a look at their webpage and video.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or National Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”
> Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
- Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other Participating Countries.
- The funded exchange will last between 1 and 6 months. It is an exchange of experience that takes place during a stay with the experienced entrepreneur, which helps the new entrepreneur acquire the skills needed to run a small firm. The host benefits from fresh perspectives on their business and gets the opportunity to cooperate with foreign partners or learn about new markets. For the stay abroad you will be financially supported with a European grant. Find out more on their website and video.
- This programme works with intermediary officers in each country. On their website you can find intermediary officers in the Netherlands. We recommend you contact info@erasmus-holland.com or check www.erasmus-holland.com. This intermediary will help you with all kinds of questions. You can also contact studyabroad@fontys.nl in case of doubts.

After graduation:
You can benefit from the programme as a New Entrepreneur if:
- You are a “would-be” entrepreneur, firmly planning to start a business OR an entrepreneur having started your own business within the last 3 years. There is no age limit!
- You are a permanent resident (as defined by the programme) in one of the participating countries.
- You have a concrete project or business idea, reflected in a business plan.
- You can clearly demonstrate your motivation and commitment to engage in a business relationship with an experienced entrepreneur from another participating country.
- You are prepared to contribute to the development of the host entrepreneur’s business.
- You are prepared to cover the costs of your stay abroad that exceed the EU grant.
> Hendrik Mullerfonds
For Dutch students that wish to take a Masters degree or internship abroad after graduation.
Website Hendrik Mullerfonds
> France Excellence
The France Excellence Scholarships are available for Dutch students that plan to go to France after graduation. Their information is provided in Dutch:
Visit website France Excellence
Ben je een Nederlandse HBO- of WO-student of PhD’er en ga je binnenkort naar Frankrijk? Meld je dan aan voor één van onze programma’s.
France Excellence Descartes– aanmelddeadline 30 april 2024
- De France Excellence Descartes studiebeurzen ondersteunen studenten uit het Nederlands hoger onderwijs die een masterprogramma willen volgen in Frankrijk.HBO- en WO-studenten vanuit elke academische discipline kunnen zich aanmelden voor de beurs.
France Excellence Van Dongen – aanmelddeadline 30 april 2024
- De France Excellence Van Dongen studiebeurzen zijn bestemd voor studenten uit kunst- en designstudies binnen het Nederlands hoger onderwijs die hun master in Frankrijk willen volgen.
France Excellence Quantum – aanmelddeadline 30 april 2024
- De France Excellence Quantum studiebeurzen ondersteunen studenten, PhD’ers en jonge onderzoekers, uit het Nederlands hoger onderwijs die een masterprogramma willen volgen, of onderzoek willen doen, in Frankrijk, en vice-versa. Kandidaten binnen quantum kunnen zich aanmelden voor de beurs. In samenwerking met: Quantum Delta NL en QuantEduFrance.
France Excellence Europa – aanmelddeadline 29 maart 2024
- Het beurzenprogramma France Excellence Europa ondersteunt een master aan een Franse universiteit en is bedoeld voor masterstudenten uit de 26 landen van de EU, tussen de 18 en 26 jaar. Volg onze socials voor meer informatie.
- Het programma Taalassistenten stelt studenten in de gelegenheid zich onder te dompelen in de Franse taal en cultuur en het Franse onderwijssysteem (Académie de Guyane of Académie de Lille) en tegelijkertijd een verrijking vanuit hun eigen - Nederlandse - taal en cultuur mee te brengen.
> Erasmus+ Loan
- Erasmus+ Master Degree Loans are EU-guaranteed loans with favourable pay-back terms. They are designed to help prospective students finance their Master’s courses in an Erasmus+ Programme country while leaving as little of a lasting economic footprint as possible.
- At the moment this Master Loan is available for a limited number of countries/regions in Europe. Also it depends where you are from if you can apply for such a loan. More information on participating countries/regions can be found on the website of the European Commission.
- An option that is avaiable to all students is for those that start a Master Degree in Spain. This is arranged by the Spanish Microbank. You can find more on their website.
- Fontys has no further information on these options than the ones mentioned on this page. We encourage you to take a look at these options and contact the respective institutions in case of questions.

> VSBfonds Scholarship
Are you graduating this (academic) year and would you like to delve further into a certain aspect of your studies, but at a foreign academy, college or university?
- After your studies at Fontys there is the possibility to continue studying at a foreign institution - with a Dutch grant, the so-called VSBfonds grant.
- This VSBfonds grant is not a loan, but a full donation! The donation can amount to a maximum of € 10,000 for 2-year study plans (maximum of € 7,000 for a shorter period). With the VSBfonds grant you can, for example, start a Master degree abroad.