Study Abroad opportunities
> Semester Exchange
During your studies at Fontys, you can study abroad for a semester and in some cases an academic year depending on your institute. In order to do so, you can register for the minor Study Abroad. In this minor you have the possibility to study at one of our partner universities. Fontys Wide partners are available to all Fontys students, whereas Fontys Cluster partners are only available to students from a specific Fontys Cluster (group of Fontys schools). All exchange partners are listed here.
Fontys Wide partners
- Universities with whom Fontys has an exchange agreement on an university wide level, meaning these universities are available to all Fontys students. However, this does not mean that every Fontys Wide partner offers courses that are suitable for students from all Fontys Schools.
Fontys Cluster partners
- Fontys schools are grouped in clusters, based on their Study Field. Each cluster has agreements with partner universities all over the world. Depending on which school/cluster, the Cluster partners may differ.
Fontys Fee paying partners
- It is important to know that Fontys has exchange partner universities and fee paying partner universities. If you go to an exchange partner university you will only pay tuition fees at Fontys. However, if you are going to study at a fee paying partner university, you will have to pay tuition fees both at Fontys as well as the partner university. With fee paying partners, there’s normally discount for Fontys students. Fee paying partners are generally located in the United States and Oceania and the details about tuition fees can be found in the description of the university.
> Freemover
If you feel that none of the exchange possibilities is right for you, then you can always decide to go abroad as a freemover.
Pros of going abroad as a freemover
- You are not limited to the partner universities of Fontys, you can go to any university as long as your choice of courses is approved by the exam committee.
- As a freemover you will be able to go to a country that is not listed amongst our partner database.
Cons of going abroad as a freemover
- You will be responsible for arranging your stay abroad, which means you will have to reserve more time for making all the necessary arrangements.
- You will have to pay tuition fees at both Fontys and the university abroad.
- You are NOT eligible for Erasmus+ scholarship.
Tips for a Freemover
- Always discuss your plans with your coordinator Internationalisation.
- A great place to get more information about studying abroad is the website of WilWeg. Here you can find information about the possibilities of studying in different countries.
- ** Please note that you cannot go abroad as a Freemover if the university is already a partner university of Fontys.
In order to register as a Freemover, please find the registration page here.
> Internships
An internship abroad or graduation internship abroad strengthens your resume, has a positive effect when looking for a job, you improve your foreign language skills and you meet people from other cultures which contributes to your personal development. Of course, doing an internship abroad can be lots of fun too!
Find an internship
- Most Fontys students will have to find the (graduation) internship position by themselves.
- Below we provide you with a list of networks and websites that provide support in finding an internship. Next to that, the internship coordinator or international coordinator of your Fontys School might have options available or knows about companies where previous students went abroad.
- Fontys is part of the LEO-NET network. Please see the internship opportunities on their database and look at their website to find a list of intermediaries and websites where international internships are published.
In order to register for an Internship, please find the registration page here.
Websites which offer interships
> Blended Intensive Program (BIP)
- Students of Fontys can participate in short-term blended intensive programmes (BIP). In a BIP at least 3 partner universities are involved with groups of students of each of these partners working together both virtually (from home country) and on location in one of the three countries.
- When you participate as a Fontys student, travelling abroad, usually your group is joined by a Fontys teacher of staff member. The stay abroad is min. 5 days and max. 30 days and you get an Erasmus+ scholarship for the days you are abroad as well as for the travel days.
- A BIP has a value of at least 3 ECTS and the selection of participants is done by your Fontys School.
- Keep in mind that a BIP always takes place in one of the Erasmus+ Programme countries and that students have to be registered at Fontys as degree-student (part-time or full-time). Therefore BIP is not available for exchange students studying at Fontys temporarily.
- Read more about the Erasmus+ scholarship for BIP and more detailed information on this page.
Doing a minor at Fontys vs. doing a minor abroad
Does a minor abroad fit into my study program?
- Benefit your studies
- International experience
- Intercultural competence
- Personal growth
- Future career opportunities
- Networking
- Friendships
- Broaden your perspectives
- Away from support system
- Homesickness
- Financial expenses
- Administrative preparations both at Fontys and at the partner university
- Unrealistic expectations
Learning objectives
- What educational objectives do I want to achieve while I study abroad?
- What are the competencies I want to develop?
Learning agreement
- Learning agreement (LA) indicates which courses you want to follow at your host university.
- Most universities do not offer coherent programs of 30 credits for students who go abroad for a minor abroad. In general you can choose which courses you want to follow at your host university yourself. You will have to find out what their offer of courses is at an early stage, check out their website to find out what courses they offer to exchange students. We do not have this information at Fontys. The curriculum of 30 ECTS that you compose yourself is called a Learning Agreement (LA).
- You will need approval of the exam board for your Learning Agreement. It is important that your choice of subjects does not show too much overlap with your major curriculum at Fontys. So either widen your scope or deepen your knowledge.

Registration deadlines can be found on our website. You have one week to register for the minor study abroad. If your interested in a Minor Study Abroad make sure to be aware of these dates.
To start your Minor Study Abroad you need to have completed your propaedeutic (propedeuse/ 60 credits). Depending on your institute you will need to have completed your propaedeutic (propedeuse/ 60 credits) when you register.
MO Registration & Application
- All Fontys students must register for their Minor Study Abroad in an online system called Mobility Online. You must register in Mobility Online as well as complete and submit your student registration form before the deadline. The registration form (in English) is organized in an easy-to-follow and logical order to gather information from you in a step-by-step manner.
- The registration contains 8 steps in the following order:
- 1. Registration details
- 2. Personal data
- 3. Data concerning the study
- 4. Data concerning the study abroad (partner choices)
- 5. Contact details in case of emergency
- 6. Language competence
- 7. Budget Planner
- 8. Other information (Privacy Statement)
You also have to register your Minor Study Abroad in the ProgressPortal. Go to the ProgressPortal and log in with your PCN number. Then follow the steps:
- Enrollments
- Fontysminors
- Start February 20XX / September 20XX
- Buitenlandminor
Supply documentation
- Confirmation of enrolment: you can request this from the ‘bedrijfsbureau’ at your Fontys School.
- Proof of your level of English proficiency: this can be written by a teacher or your Coordinator Internationalisation. Team Study Abroad can send you an example letter if needed.
- Recommendation letter: this can be written by a teacher or your coordinator Internationalisation. Team Study Abroad can send you an example letter if needed.
- Transcript of records: you can get this from the ‘bedrijfsbureau’ at your Fontys School.
Partner requirements for enrollment
Even though you have registered for an exchange through Fontys, you still need to submit an application in a separate process to your host university. Once your nomination is confirmed by the partner, you will receive more information regarding the application process directly from them or through your International Coordinator (please keep in mind this can be an extensive process). Please note that all partner universities operate with strict deadlines for their applications. You are responsible for sending the required documentation within these deadlines, so please check your (Fontys) mail regularly. After you submit your application to the partner, the partner, your International Coordinator or Team Study Abroad will notify you of approval and provide further instructions.
Usually, you will receive an updated course list from the partner university. If this information isn't available yet, use the course list for the previous year. Visit the website of the host university and look for suitable courses. Some universities offer a special program for international students. Other universities offer the same courses to exchange students as to their bachelor students. Choose courses you are planning to take. Your Learning Agreement can be changed later, if needed.
> Choosing a University
Choosing a partner university for an exchange abroad involves several considerations to ensure that the experience aligns with your academic and personal goals. By carefully considering the below factors, you can select the partner university that offers an enriching and fulfilling minor study abroad experience. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make your decission:
Start by exploring the list of partner universities offered by your home institution.
- Erasmus partners: partners that collaborate with the Erasmus+ program to facilitate student exchanges and academic cooperation across Erasmus+ program countries, which are mostly within Europe. These partnerships allow students to study abroad for a semester or academic year while earning credits that are typically transferrable to their home institution.
- Non-Erasmus partners: partners outside of the Erasmus+ program network. These partnerships enable students to study abroad at institutions not connected with Erasmus, often in regions outside of Europe, while still receiving academic credit.
- Cluster partners: partners that collaborate within a specific cluster or clusters. Students can only choose the partners within their own cluster.
- Fontys Wide partners: as a Fontys student, you can apply for any of the Fontys Wide partners on this list. However, there may be certain restrictions in the courses you can choose, so make sure to check the partner description and minimum requirements.
> Contact
If you want more information you should contact the coordinator internationalisation of your Fontys School.
Coordinators Internationalisation