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Student insurance

Healthcare insurance ​​​​​​​​​​​​

By law, you must have an adequate healthcare insurance, to make sure that you are properly insured during your stay. The type of healthcare insurance you need depends on your personal situation.

European (EEA) students should ask their​ own health insurance provider if the existing health insurance policy offers sufficient coverage for medical expenses in the Netherlands. You have to complete your insurance package to cover liability and repatriation. 

Students from Europe having an EHIC card have to check if this insurance will be valid the entire periode of the stay abroad. This is often not the case.

Fontys recommends the international student-minded health insurance company InsureToStudy One of the many advantages (different to other companies) is that you don't need to declare the costs of your GP visit, because the invoice will be send directly to the insurance. Besides that ITS also reimburses if a student consults a digital doctor.

As a Fontys student you will get a discount!

This insurance covers:

  • Healthcare
  • Extraordinary costs
  • Repatriation
  • Liability
  • Accidents
  • Legal aid and baggage
  • Household goods

This offer is accessible for all international Fontys students who wish to apply for this insurance or want to change their current insurance.

If you apply through this link you will receive the discount automatically. You have to fill in the institution code "FONTYSITS" and you have to use your @student.fontys.nl email address.

If you have questions about the insurance you can contact insureToStudy through mail: info@insuretostudy.com or call 0031 70 2051860.

New Non European students are, at least for their first year, obliged to take out the InsureToStudy Master Plan+ insurance which is part of the Fontys Visa procedure.

The Master Plan + insurance offers a very comprehensive coverage relative to the Master Plan insurance. The Master Plan + insurance includes conditions which already exists prior to applying for this insurance, for instance asthma, diabetes, eczema, migraines, but also disadvantages have continued from previous operations. You can even apply for this insurance if you think you're suffering from the coronavirus. The Master Plan + insurance can be applied for by yourself, only by this link.

The Master Plan does not cover existing conditions and disadvantages, this concerns the costs that were to be reasonably expected at the start of the insurance.

Note: You are not allowed to take out a public Dutch health insurance if you are in the Netherlands for study purposes only.

If you cause an accident and someone is injured or if you damage someone's property, you are responsible for paying all the costs of the accident. You might, for example, break something in your rented room. Or, on a more serious note, you might cause a road accident. Accidents like these can be very expensive. You are therefore strongly advised to take out a good liability insurance policy, which will cover the costs in many cases.

Repatriation means returning to your home country. If anything (serious illness or accident) happ​​ens to you in The Netherlands, your insurance should cover the costs of repatriation of yourself (e.g. for treatment required in your home country), or having your parents travel to join you here. Repatriation is also covered for family member in the 1st and 2nd degree by death or very serious illness It would be wise to have an insurance policy covering these costs.

Be sure to extend your insurance in time. If your current insurance is not InsureToStudy and you want to profit the benefits of the ITS insurance you can easy change your insurance.

Contact ITS

Mail: info@insuretostudy.com
WhatsApp: +316 36264401
Phone: +3170 2051860

If you have a student job or a paid internship you are obliged to take out a Dutch basic healthcare insurance. If you already have an InsureToStudy insurance (or if you are willing to take out one), you can profit a very low priced Dutch basic healthcare insurance combination with Hollandzorg.

Apply here for Hollandzorg.

Read more about the Dutch basic healthcare insurance.