Participate as a student
Why take part in Fontys Meet & Match?
Fontys Meet & Match is the annual event connecting students and companies. It will take place on Tuesday 8 April 2025 in the Klokgebouw in Eindhoven! Are you looking for a nice internship or graduation assignment for 2025/2026? Or do you just want to orientate yourself at the company market and get in touch with one of the more than 200 participating companies? Then read on quickly and register!
"You find out through the interviews what you find interesting and what you do not. You get a better idea of what your ambitions are and where you see yourself working and where you don't."Koen, fourth-year Mechatronics student
What does the programme look like?
The aim of the event for students is to engage with companies. Companies and students will engage with each other during a physical event. The format includes three elements, from which you are free to choose:
Speed date with a company
During a 20-minute speed date, 2nd-, 3rd- or 4th-year students (hbo and/or mbo) engage in a conversation with a company. In advance, companies and all students fill in their own profile. Companies indicate which type of student (profile) they want to talk to. For example, with 2nd-year Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering students. The students indicate which companies they would like to engage with. In this way, companies and students are matched. As a student, you will have several speed date interviews with companies that match your stated preference. The speed dates are scheduled in advance, giving everyone a personalised schedule for the day. So mark Tuesday 8 April 2025 in your calendar!
Company Market
The company market is open to all students. Here, more than 200 companies present themselves. Companies are mostly active in the high-tech and/or manufacturing industry.
Company Presentation
The event also offers the opportunity to attend a physical presentation by a company of your choice. These presentations will last a maximum of 20 minutes.
Which students can participate in Meet & Match?
The event is intended for students from the following technical programmes of Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Summa College who want to get in touch with companies:
Hbo students | Fontys
- Automotive
- Electronical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Applied mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Technical business administration
- Applied Physics
- Applied Science
Mbo students | Summa College
- Automotive
- Engineering
- Laboratory education
As a student, you can participate in Fontys Meet & Match for free. You register by creating a profile on the portal of Fontys Meet & Match. A pre-registration does not oblige you to anything yet.
Do you already have a profile on the Fontys Meet & Match portal?
Then request your login details via this link and indicate in your profile that you are applying: Get your details via this link!
Don't have a profile on the Fontys Meet & Match portal yet or don't know it?
Then send an email to Mark Herman: m.herman@fontys.nl. He is happy to help you.