In this program we welcome you as exchange students from our partner institutes. The minor A-systems offers you a fixed, but short, introduction program and then switches over to electable courses, in which you develop knowledge and skills on the crossover of biology and technology in an on demand way. This crossover is a relatively new area of hybrid engineering, optimally suited for the innovative breakthroughs in bio-technical solutions, needed by today’s agricultural sector.
The student knows the agrifood sector from a biological and technological point of view. He knows how to measure certain parameters of plants and/or animals and how to regulate the environment in order to influence the growth process and/or behaviour.
You develop their own studies with passion and talent, and are stimulated to rise above yourself in one or more themes in order to earn a place in the professional field. The education is demand driven in order to foster your own talents to the max. We provide the opportunities, but the student creates his own path!
In this minor, students will make the connection between the world of biology, the world of technology and the world of business administration, see Figure 1. The still independent biological systems and the technical systems will be linked and influence each other with the aim of gaining more knowledge of the biological world on the one hand and making the biological world function more 'optimally' on the other hand.
Figure 1: Connection between the worlds
The most important themes for the supporting courses are indicated below. This is not exhaustive and the themes depend on project content and personal interest.
Figuur 2: Systems Engineering, connecting themes
Have you already thought about your choice of minor? Do you want to immerse yourself in your profession, or do something completely different? Your choice of your minor can be quite difficult. The most important thing is that you choose something that really suits you. This way you can distinguish yourself from others and make your studies even more personal. But how do you choose? And what can you choose?
(Online) minor information week
To help you with your choice, we organise an (online) minor orientation week in March '24. During these information sessions, you will learn more about the content of the minors and you can ask any question you may have. You can register here for the orientation week.
Fontys and other Dutch UAS students, apply for this minor via
All minor programmes starting in February 2020 have been opened for application on July 9th. You can apply until December 15th. Some minor programmes work with a numerus fixus (fixed number of students), in this case application will close when the minor programme is full. So make sure to make a decision in time!
Application for minor programmes starting in September 2020 will open in February 2020.
Tegelseweg 255, Venlo