Smart mobility
This knowledge theme aims to contribute through research, education, and social services (preferably in mutual association) to the sustainability and strengthening of mobility in the region and the rest of the Netherlands. Where possible, a contribution will be made to mobility issues on a European or global scale through international cooperation.
With a strong focus on sustainability and energy transition, this knowledge theme is in line with the mission-driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy. The safety of vehicles (drivers, other road users), logistics chains, and mobility data (cybersecurity) are also relevant topics.

smoother, safer and more sustainable driving with Smart mobility
Involved lectorates
Please note: unfortunatly, all hyperlinks refer to our Dutch website at the moment:
- Future Powertrain
- Industrial engineering and entrepreneurship
- Operational excellence
- Supply chain innovation
Leading lector Centre of expertise KennisDC logistiek

Dr. V.H.G. (Victor) Verboeket
Lector Supply chain innovation, leading lector CoE Supply chains for SocietyLeading lector Centre of expertise ACE - automotive
Centre of expertise ACE - Automotive (to Dutch website)