Payment if I am a minor (<18 yrs)
If you are not yet 18 at the time you want to enter your payment details in Studielink, it is not possible to arrange a digital (direct debit) authorisation. This is because a digital (direct debit) authorisation is a contract with the bank and by law a person under the age of 18 may not enter into a contract with the bank. If this is the case, you have a number of other options for supplying your payment information.
1. Someone else pays your tuition fees
You indicate in Studielink that someone else is paying your tuition fees. See also the information under the heading Third party to pay Tuition Fees.
2a. Start September: You turn 18 between 15 May and 1 September
Will you be turning 18 between 15 May and 1 September? If so, wait to enter your payment information until after your 18th birthday. You can then arrange a digital (direct debit) authorisation without any problems and still be enrolled in time for the start of the academic year.
2b. Start February: You turn 18 before 1 February?
Will you be turning 18 before 1 February? If so, wait to enter your payment information until after your 18th birthday. You can then arrange a digital (direct debit) authorisation without any problems and still be enrolled in time for the start of the academic year.
3. Payment by payment agreement
If no one else can pay your tuition fees, you can pay yourself through a payment agreement by indicating in Studielink that your bank is not in a SEPA country. You must then transfer the full tuition fee amount to Fontys before the start of the study programme.