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Communication - Creative Advertising

Prepare yourself for the unpredictable future of communication and nurture a lifelong passion for learning and innovation. Work on real advertising campaigns for famous brands and get to know all about digital communication technologies and the customer journey.

About the exchange programme

At Communication - Creative Advertising, you'll collaborate closely with peers to bring creative ideas to life for well-known companies. This hands-on experience is designed to enhance your skills in a practical setting. Our dedicated faculty comes from diverse backgrounds in the industry, ready to guide you. We focus on equipping you with the knowledge and creativity needed for the ever-changing world of marketing and communication.

Why this programme?

  • Work on real campaigns for global brands like Coca-Cola and Mars.
  • Learn from industry experts with a wealth of practical experience.
  • Gain hands-on experience in advertising through collaborative projects.

Communication is about Media, People and Brands!

The Creative Advertising exchange programme offers students many ways to build impressive portfolios. It takes place in the 2nd year of the Bachelor Communication and is very much a hands-on course where you directly apply the skills you learn as you go along. Students pursuing the exchange programme will be working in project groups with Dutch students of the Communication major. Together they will be working on campaigns for actual organisations, such as Madam Tussauds, Coca-Cola or Mars. The exchange programme in advertising requires 20 hours of course work a week and is appropriate for students interested in developing a better understanding of advertising and the customer journey, utilizing emerging digital communication technologies.

We believe that today’s students will be communication professionals in ’tomorrow’s world’, with a different set of rules, different opportunities and different boundaries. We educate students for a world that doesn’t yet exist, a world that we can try to imagine, but one that is unpredictable. That’s why we embed a lifelong love of learning to inspire, excite and to engage our students. Fontys Marketing and Communication is a vibrant, inspiring place with professors and lecturers with open minds, that all have a broad background in the communication industry.

Download brochure Creative Advertising 2024 - 2025




Content of the programme

Over the course of the semester, we will teach you how to build a campaign in an international setting. You will be working for a real-life international brand where the campaign you will build addresses a challenge that the company is facing in the present.

We believe that building a strong advertising campaign consists of three important components. Each of them crucial to delivering the best possible end-result. You start by mapping the ‘customer’, trying to find out everything you possibly can about his or her life and behaviour. Secondly, you will take a closer look at the journey the customer experiences when in contact with the brand. And last but certainly not least, you combine everything you have found out about the customer and the brand in a strong campaign where you focus on all relevant channels out there today.

This programme is a fixed programme of 30 ECTS. Because we work in project groups and assessments, it is mandatory to attend all courses of the programme.

The customer today is increasingly dynamic, digital and everchanging. If you do not place the customer at the centre of your company’s strategy it becomes increasingly difficult to create a competitive edge. In the first 10 weeks you start mapping the Customer Experience in detail. You will take a look at the online and offline behaviour of the customer. You will go out coolhunting, exploring new trends and (digital) developments that shape the ‘business’ environment of today. All of this to determine where your product touches the customer. You will map these touchpoints in order for your client to build a campaign that is perfectly targeted to, and aligned with their customer needs. After 10 weeks, you will start building a real-life campaign using the advertising platforms of Google, Meta, Linked and Tiktok based upon your insights and learnings of the weeks before. Apply and show what you are worth! Alongside you will take one exam to test all and everything that you have learned.
After 8 weeks, an exam week and a well deserved autumn break, you will get to build a campaign for an international client and compete in the world-renowned Ad Venture challenge by EDCOM. You will learn all about building a perfect campaign in an international setting. Subjects you can expect are cultural communication, global advertising, (online)marketing and return on investment. At Fontys we strongly believe in making your ideas come true. We therefore ask you to make your campaign come alive by producing the media that support your campaign. We will introduce you to videomaking, indesign, photoshop and 3D-printing amongst others.


Admission requirements

English CEF B2 (letter of Home University or TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge or similar).



How to apply as an exchange student

Applications should always be submitted via the International Exchange Officer at your Home University. This officer will send your application request (nomination) to Fontys. Once we have accepted the nomination, you will receive an e-mail with all necessary information how to complete your application proces. Students will be informed of their acceptance or refusal within two weeks.

Important dates

Deadline for nomination (by partner University): 1 May

Deadline for applying: 15 May

In your application, we would like to receive a motivational letter. Please answer the following questions in your motivational letter:

  • Who are you?
  • Why are you applying for the exchange programme Creative Advertising?
  • What do you want to learn during the programme?
  • What can you bring to the programme?

With this motivational letter, you will also commit to the Creative Advertising High Five (you will receive this per e-mail).


How will your course programme be recognised by your home university?

Fontys will provide you with a so-called ‘Transcript of Records’, which will clarify the results that you have achieved. Depending on your results, you will receive a maximum of 30 ECTS credits. ECTS credits are recognised throughout Europe. The agreement between your home university and Fontys University of Applied Sciences will usually include a condition whereby the credits that you obtain will be recognised and transferred into the records kept by your home university.


Practical information

Start moment(s)
21 weeks
Contact hours
20 hours per week (please note: this is a fulltime programme)

Fontys Marketing and Communication does not provide scholarships for the exchange students.

For more detailed information about practical matters, such as financial matters, residence permit, health insurance and accommodation, please click on the button below.

More information on practical matters


Location and contact


Professor Goossenslaan 1-02
Mr Joep Peeters, programme coordinator

International Desk (if you have questions about admission requirements regarding application, please contact us)