Erasmus+ Scholarships

Erasmus+ Scholarships

The European Erasmus+ scholarship is available for Fontys students that are going to Study Abroad at a Partner University or do an Internship Abroad.

Fontys applies for and manages Erasmus+ funds, controlled by the European Commission. On this page you find information on the conditions and possibilities.

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Charter and Principles

The Erasmus+ Student Charter highlights the rights and obligations in the various phases of your Erasmus+ activity.

Fontys works according to the latest Erasmus+ Principles.

The Basic Conditions

- Erasmus+ is available if you move to another country.
- Only Erasmus+ Programme Countries.
- The max. amount of days that you can get the Scholarship is 360 days.
- Apply for your scholarship and find deadlines at the registration page

Amount and conditions
Erasmus+ Study Abroad

The Erasmus+ Scholarship comes with conditions. Please take a look at them.

Calculate how much money you can expect!

Amount and conditions
Erasmus+ Internship

The Erasmus+ Scholarship comes with conditions. Please take a look at them.

Calculate how much money you can expect!

Erasmus+ Additional Scholarship

On top of the regular Erasmus+ scholarship there is an additional Erasmus+ scholarship for students with:

- Economic circumstance (based upon information from DUO)

- Health circumstance (can be any kind of mental or physical health issue)

Students that meet the conditions will get an additional scholarship of €250 per month, or €100 to €550 for short-term stay abroad (max. 30 days).

Click below for further instructions. Also you can read the instructions in Dutch.

Erasmus+ Extra Health Circumstance Scholarship

Erasmus+ stimulates the participation of everyone and promotes an intercultural learning experience for all students.

Additional funding is therefore available for students that want to go abroad and that due to a disability need extra support. For example; special housing, medical support, supportive equipment, mentoring or adjusted study materials.

Students that meet the conditions will get an extra Health Circumstance Scholarship for the amount they need. There is no maximum amount.

The platform Inclusive Mobility is the European platform about inclusion and support services offered by higher education institutions to international students. Visit their website to help prepare yourself.

Click below for further instructions. Also you can read the instructions in Dutch.

Deadlines Application Erasmus+ Scholarship
(in Mobility Online)

Erasmus study Fall 2024: 25/06/2024
Erasmus internship Fall 2024: 23/07/2024

in all cases, apply as soon as possible, so we can pay your scholarship soonest.

If you could not make these deadlines contact or your Coordinator Internationalisation

Erasmus Student Network

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation that might have a local section in the region where you go.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


If you have doubts or questions about your Erasmus+ scholarship you can email us (Petri, Silvana and Nick of Fontys Team Study Abroad).

We aim to answer your email within 1 or 2 days.