
Presentation training Logistics

Present your project results with impact- this was the learning outcome Howard Lettinga and Mark Hoogewerf defined for the presentation training. Twenty logistics students could sign up for the free training to improve their presentation skills. Did you know that employees spend more than 20% of their time on preparing and giving presentations but 80% of managers find them boring? Well there’s a way out. Create emotion, show them you can solve a “pain”, start with a great story.









Within two hours the students got concrete techniques which are also proved to be effective in many Tedx-talks, by the way: Howard Lettinga is an experienced TedxVenlo speaker and speaker coach. All things students learned were to be applied in a pitch battle. Five groups send one pitcher into the battle. One minute to convince and touch the audience with the story about “why does the project you’re working on have impact”. The five finalists all had a great pitch which really got the audience emotional. That’s what it is about. Live Noblahblah, have impact!