
Company visits and projects during our BIZZ-weeks

Just like every semester, our first and second year students took part in the BIZZ-week. This time it took place from the 20th until 26th of May. The BIZZ-week is a week full of company visits, in which students get to see in practice what they have learnt in class in the weeks before. Theme of this last BIZZ-week was “the world of fruits and flowers”.











At the fruit auction in Margraten, the students saw how agricultural companies sell their products to large companies such as retailers or buying organizations. Moreover, students visited a tree nursery and saw how trees are being grown, to which parties they are sold and how they are transported. Another activity for the students was GROW, where students from the entire city presented their practical ideas and marketing concepts for fruits, flowers and other green products to many interested companies from the Venlo region. Last but not least, the students visited airport Schiphol, where they got a tour and saw how fresh products are coming in and going out of the country with airplanes.