

Hay Geraedts | Organizing coordinator

Fontys University of Applied Sciences Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Nico van der Aa | Coordinator reviewers committee

Fontys University of Applied Sciences Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Jan Vleeshouwers | Organization

TU/e Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Sjoerd Hulshof | Organization

TU/e Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions

The Conference

The conference will take place in three days. Each day will take form 9-17h. Please, check the programme for more information.
'Innovative learning for innovation' is the main topic of the conference. Please, check About EAEEIE to see all the conference topics.
Lunches and coffee are included in the conference fee. However, the conference dinner must be payed separately.
It's a walk-in dinner, south Netherlands dinner/typical Brabant dinner.

Please check Google Maps and fill in as destination:

  • on the first day: “Fontys Nexus Eindhoven” or “De Rondom 1, 5612 AP Eindhoven” 
  • on the second day: “Evoluon Eindhoven” or “Noord Brabantlaan 1A, 5652 LA Eindhoven” 
  • on the third day” “TU/E electrical engineering” or “opposite building of Fontys”
There is no refund possible.
No, participants will pay the fee for the total length of the conference.

Your stay in Eindhoven

The city centre is 1 km from the conference site, except Evoluon that is about 4 km from train station.
The distance from Eindhoven airport to Eindhoven train station is 9 km and easily to travel by special airport busses within 17 minutes. 
From the station it is about 10 minutes to Fontys University. The technical University is on the same spot. Evoluon is easily reachable by public transport
If you have the possible hotels in the neighbourhood of the city centre, the distance will be about 1-3 km.