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Industrial Design Engineering, semester 2, 3 and 4

Technology meets design in the Industrial Design Engineering exchange programme. Gain hands-on experience in creating innovative products that blend form, function, and sustainability. Prepare for a future where your designs contribute significantly to improving people’s lives and the environment.

About the exchange programme

During this programme you will dive into the entire product design process, from concept to market. Unlike other courses, from day one, you will tackle real client projects in a design studio, developing essential skills through hands-on projects. Expert coaching in sketching, computer modeling, and creative thinking supports your journey toward becoming proficient Industrial Designers.

Why this programme?

  • Real-world experience from day one with projects for actual clients, integrating theory and practice seamlessly.
  • Comprehensive support and expertise available in key areas such as sketching, modeling, and creative problem-solving.
  • Focus on developing a well-rounded skill set, including aesthetics, ergonomics, and engineering, tailored for future industrial designers.

What to expect from Industrial Design Engineering

On campus, we have well‐equipped wood, metal and plastics workshops for developing, prototyping and testing design proposals. State‐of‐the‐art technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutting are also an integral part of the IDE studies. Potential employers or clients don’t just want designers to create conceptual ideas, they also want to know if those ideas are actually going to work. This enables students to demonstrate that their ideas will actually work from a practical as well as theoretical perspective.

  • Students will be studying in an international, project based environment with English as the main language
  • Students will be following a study programme that consists of a unique combination of design and engineering: approximately 60% design and 40% engineering
  • The project-based structure allows students to develop a collaborative attitude and the creative design skills needed to function as an Industrial Designer in an international market.

The IDE programme at Fontys Venlo is characterized by a strong international orientation, which prepares its students for an international career. The IDE programme is about having design students from all over the world working together. The IDE programme currently has students from over 15 nations. This means that a student might on one day be working with a team of 5 or 6 different nationalities and cultural backgrounds on a project for a German company with 30,000 employees worldwide and the next day with a different group for a Dutch start‐up. Through these experiences IDE students have the opportunity to get to know new countries and cultures, but also to make friends with students from all over the world and to further developtheir language skills. In addition, self‐reliance and self‐confidence are promoted




Content of the programme

Exchange students can choose to participate in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th semester of the study programme. The semesters are differentiated by the expected level evidenced in the portfolio. The coaches will decide which semester an exchange student can join. Projects are open to students from all semesters so students work in groups combining both first year and second years.

  • 2nd semester: starts February
  • 3rd semester: starts September
  • 4th semester: starts February

The total workload for one semester is 30 European Credits. The IDE students development towards becoming an Industrial Design Engineer is evaluated, not through examinations, but through a competence portfolio which is worked on constantly and which is assessed at the end of each Semester. The competences on which the students are assessed are based on a nationally agreed competence profile.

  • 5 ETCS: Professional Practice
  • 5 ETCS: Orientation & Research
  • 5 ETCS: Analysis
  • 5 ETCS: Idea Generation
  • 5 ETCS: Concept Development
  • 5 ETCS: Realisation

Download full programme



Admission requirements

For this exchange programme we have the following admission requirements:

  • English level: equivalent to IELTS 6.0;
  • Knowledge of working on design projects would be useful as would an ability to sketch and basic knowledge of a CAD and DTP programme

In addition to the above, for semester 3 and 4:

    • Foundation year rounded off (from a BA or BSc Product Design programme would be desirable; other creative disciplines would also be welcome e.g. architecture, furniture)
    • Experience of working on group projects, experience of design process and creative thinking, knowledge of physical science and mathematics and basic sketching ability would also be desirable


    How will your course programme be recognised by your home university?

    Fontys will provide you with a so-called ‘Transcript of Records’, which will clarify the results that you have achieved. Depending on your results, you will receive a maximum of 30 ECTS credits. ECTS credits are recognised throughout Europe. The agreement between your home university and Fontys University of Applied Sciences will usually include a condition whereby the credits that you obtain will be recognised and transferred into the records kept by your home university.


    Practical information

    Start moment(s)
    September, February
    20 weeks
    Contact hours
    15-20 hours per week

    Applications should always be submitted via the International Exchange (or Erasmus) Officer at the home university. This officer will send your application request (nomination) to Fontys. Once Fontys has received the nomination, your Fontys study department will send you a link to a web application called Mobility Online. Please take a look here to see how it works.

    If you want to come as a freemover, we also need your university to send us a nomination e-mail. Once we have received this we will send you our application information.
    As a freemover the fees are €75 per ECTS. If you are not sure if your university is a partner of Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences, the international office of your home university can tell you more about this.


    Spring semester:

    Nomination deadline November 1st

    Application deadline November 15th

    Fall semester:

    Nomination deadline May 1st

    Application deadline May 15th

    For more information concerning the start date, please get in touch with the contact person of the study department of the concerned exchange programme.

    English language requirements

    For most English taught exchange programmes a minimum level of English language proficiency of CEFR* B2 or an equivalent of IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 80 is required. However there might be programmes where a higher level is required and submitting evidence might be necessary.

    Ambience photo Fontys

    For more detailed information about practical matters, such as financial matters, residence permit, health insurance and accommodation, please click on the button below.

    More information on practical matters

    Doing a study abroad most certainly means a lot of excitement and perhaps also a bit of anxiety. Getting used to everything may be a challenge at times. You may have language difficulties or be unfamiliar with certain aspects of life in the Netherlands and at the university.

    We receive around 100 international exchange students each semester. To give them a warm welcome into Dutch culture and at our campus, the International Office has set up a buddy programme. A buddy is a Fontys bachelor student who is familiar with the campus and who can give practical help with administrative systems, timetables etc. They know their way around the city of Venlo and can also help students to better understand Dutch traditions and habits and feel at home real soon!

    What else can students expect from a buddy? A buddy will:

    - meet you at the Venlo train station and accompany you to your room.

    - help you get settled during the first weeks by answering practical questions related to living in Venlo and by showing you around town.

    - help you with questions about campus life, teaching styles, campus set-up, how to prepare for exams, etc.

    - help you with practical questions such as how to print documents, how to get connected to Wi-Fi, get acquainted with the Fontys portal, etc.

    - introduce you to Dutch culture.

    - be able to join you during social activities.

    The programme seeks to give students the best possible start to their study abroad in Venlo and at our campus!


    Location and contact